Wiki Ippo
Wiki Ippo

Iwata's Chinese Noodles (中華そば岩田, Chūka Soba Iwata) is a ramen restaurant in Tokyo, Japan that Masaru Aoki, Isamu Akamatsu and Hiroshi Kizakura works at part-time. Despite being an unexceptional boxer compared to his companions, Aoki's ramen is said to be many times better than his boxing skill. It is also a hang out of Mamoru Takamura, Ippo Makunouchi, Manabu Itagaki, and Tatsuya Kimura's for a favourite place to eat.


When Aoki left his family's home, he made use of his natural talent of cooking and went to the Iwata's Chinese Noodles to work. Thanks to Aoki's recipes, the Iwata's Chinese Noodles expanded to three locations, with Aoki running the one in Tokyo, Japan.[1]

Part I[]

Early Days Arc[]

Takamura took Ippo to Iwata's Chinese Noodles as an apology, and he introduced Ippo to Aoki Masaru, who worked there as a chef. Aoki revealed that he wished to open a restaurant with prize money after he retired, to which Takamura jokingly replied that Aoki's cooking is much better than his boxing. Takamura mentioned how he will have to stop eating and taking showers in order to stay in the middleweight ranking. Upon hearing this Ippo realised that everyone worked hard to box for their own reasons and resolves to work harder himself.

Later, Reiko and her friends are dining at Iwata's Chinese Noodles when, Takamura and Kimura arrived with Ippo and begun to laugh at him for being worried about facing someone like Oda Yūsuke. Aoki tried his Playing Card Fortune Telling as Takamura and Kimura confirm to Ippo that Aoki's predictions have never been wrong, yet when the prediction was that he will win they begin laughing.

Rookie King Tournament: Finals Arc[]

Ippo, Kimura, and Takamura were eating at the Iwata's Chinese Noodles where Aoki was working. They begun talking about Hayami and Aoki's impending match, led to the conclusion that anyone who fights before Aoki, should not be feared. Later, Takamura, Aoki and Kimura, were talking about an article in Monthly Boxing Fan, where among the four best fighters of the East Japan Rookie King Tournament, Ippo's article was the smallest. After this, they decided to place bets, with Kimura choosing Hayami Ryūichi, Takamura, choosing Miyata Ichirō, and Aoki being forced into picking Ippo.


Iwata's Chinese Noodles
Aoki Portrait
Aoki Masaru
Akamatsu Portrait
Akamatsu Isamu
Kizakura Portrait
Kizakura Hiroshi
Former Staff
Chūka Soba Manager Portrait
Iwata's Chinese Noodles Manager

(Moved to second chain store)[2]



  1. Chapter 1248, page 6
  2. Chapter 792, page 7