The Peek-a-Boo Style is a boxing style used by in-fighters.
The user maintains a low centre of gravity whilst using their elbows to block their stomach area and both fists to cover the chin (ultimately only seeing the boxers eyes--thus the name 'peek-a-boo'). Offensively, it is limited at further distances since the boxer would squarely face the opponent, giving them less rotation for punches such as a right straight. However, it is an in-fighter's stance. It allows the user to cover majority of the vital spots while giving them the freedom to utilise hooks and uppercuts and maintain a good level of defence. It can be used for weaving and head slips, which is the key to use the Dempsey Roll.
This style is best suited for fighters who are aggressive, have strong head movement, and are comfortable fighting at close range. It demands proficiency of stamina, discipline, and technical skill, but when mastered, it can be an incredibly effective fighting style in the ring.